The art of cooking in another country is not one easily obtained. Tonight was a prime example. I've made tacos many times at home and here. This time we went shopping elsewhere then normal and therefore the taco seasoning was not the usual type. This was a burrito seasoning and a "dressing-sauce" to top the taco with they came together but in two seperate packets. Well, since I couldn't read which was which, I guessed... it didn't look quite right, so I added the other one... and they turned out a little.... green. So tonight was Hulk-Taco night!
For an update of our life here... we're halfway through our time here and it's feeling more and more natural to be here, however somethings from home are dearly missed. It's funny how when you go somewhere you expect to miss certain things... and then you end up missing completely different ones. For example, we ate Kraft mac-n-cheese and it was the closest thing to manna from heaven I've had.
And Dr. Pepper is not the same.
Friday we took a small tour of the castle area as well as Petrin Hill. This was indeed a lot of fun. We didn't get to see everything we wanted to because there's so much to do and we went on a Friday which means it was really busy. However the castle was fun seeing part of the Changing of the Guard, and then at Petrin Hill we climbed the observation tower which was a model of the Eiffel Tower, but smaller then Kings Island's. The view atop the 299 steps was amazing and we got a lot of amazing pictures of the whole city! We also got to ride a Funicular which (haha) which is a tram that is made to go up and down a large hill/mountain. There was also a really pretty rose garden, check out our flickr for more pictures of this.
On another note, Bryan and I saw another side of the city this past weekend as well. We tried to venture out and see the sites less common, my choice, and it was an adventure. We tried to go to a fountain that had a show that went with music, to a giant metronome, and a few other places. We had a hard time finding them, and if we did, it was a bust. The metronome we didn't find, the fountain looked a little nasty and was expensive, and we saw this "carnival" that was the most pitiful thing I've ever seen. We decided the weekend was a bust for site seeing and to stick with what we know, but we had fun at least.
Thursday we leave for over a week. First we'll be in Olomouc working with International World Changers and we'll be doing videos, photos, journals, etc and posting them on this site. So feel free to check it out. After that we'll be going camping for the weekend possibly back to Cesky Krumlov... not sure yet. Actually once we leave this week, I feel the time is going to start going a lot faster. We'll be in Bulgaria July 25-30 possibly going to Terezin July 19, and trying to visit anywhere else in the time before August 14. So we'll be busy the next little bit.
Please feel free to check out the Olomouc website while we're there as that's a prime example of a lot of the work we've been doing while here.
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