Tonight I had my first movie experience in Prague. Bryan went a few times when he was here last time however I was new to the game. Luckily Bryan had experienced movie-watching here so we did go into it knowing there were assigned seats. So I went online to see the movie time and seat choices. I had been on there the other day and struggled a bit since I don't read Czech, but today I noticed the nice option on the tippy-top corner of the web-page for viewing the site in English. It helped a little. So I went on there, found the time, looked at the seats, and reserved them online. How awesome is that? You can also pay, but if you don't want to pay first you're only requirement to guarantee your seats is to arrive 30 minutes before the movie starts. If you're late... they give those seats to whomever wants them and you're stuck with whatever is left. It's a good process I feel.
So we ordered online, picked the tickets up quite early, wondered around the mall and ate dinner. There's a restaurant in the mall you should avoid at all costs if ever in Prague. It's called Panda Fast Food instead of Panda Express. Sunday some of the girls from church said the workers were rude. More or less the workers scoffed at their Czech-speaking attempt. Tonight they did the same to Bryan. It was also rude. So we ate at KFC.
The movie was good, pretty crowded. Since there are assigned seats there are areas of the theater that are super crowded and others that are completely empty. Theoretically I guess you could move if you wanted, but our seats were really good so we did not. However everyone was cranky since the rows are so crowded and with people coming and going you have no choice but to get up and push your seat up anytime someone goes in or out. Not a huge deal, but the surrounding folks did not agree.
All in all it was a good experience. Movie was filmed in English so it played in English with Czech sub-titles which are a little distracting but Harrison Ford's action hero poses kept me entertained enough to eventually ignore them.
Tomorrow is Cesky Krumlov. Excited? You betcha!
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