Today was a great blessing. Waking up and going into work on your birthday is never fun, but we went ahead and went into work... However once getting there we were told to be gone by lunch and go enjoy the day. So we did. First they got me pastries and brought in oreos- REAL american OREOS! Yum! We worked until lunch and then headed out.
After dropping things at home (and a quick nap) we headed out. We went through Wenceslas Square looking for a lamp-post that is really unique, however we couldn't find it. We eventually stopped looking since we work real close to the area and can always go back. We went on the train up to Namesti Republicki and found an Apple Store, went around and saw the area, and found Bohemia Bagel. That's a great place to eat that is an American-style cafe. This place introduced the bagel to Prague (self-claimed) and also the bottomless beverages. It's a nice break, and they have a menu in english. Awesome. And they serve breakfast all day. Double awesome.
We searched for the Jewish Ghetto and found a complete different part of town. However it was fun. We saw a square which was also in Mission Impossible. (photo below)
Rounded out at the Charles Bridge by accident, and then eventually found the Jewish Ghetto. Although not your typical birthday thing to do, we went ahead and went in. There's a lot of interesting historical items there, such as a few rooms with all the Czech Jews who were killed in the Holocaust's name written on the wall. There's also a section of children's drawings that were done in concentration camps which was really neat to look at, but also very sad. We also visited the Jewish Cemetery which is a small plot of land with hundreds of headstones piled on each other. There are also many unnamed and unmarked bodies buried there as well. It was sad to see how they were treated. All in all a very humbling experience.
After touring the town we headed home, then out to dinner at a place Bryan had gone to before when he was here. This was his favorite place and we had a hard time remembering where it was (thanks Laura!) It was really good and a nice way to end a great day.
So yes, my birthday in Prague was a little different, but good all the same. Thanks for all the birthday love!
I tried to wish you a happy birthday but your mom gave me the wrong email, so HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!
Bonnie (not nana)
Yea! I'm happy you found the place finally. Perhaps you can ship one of those steaks to Chris! Hopefully it was as good as we all said it was.
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