The rain has been a bit of a downer on the mood around Prague lately. It's really hard to get excited about being up early in the morning when the rain just beckons you to stay warm in bed. And Bryan and I aren't the only ones feeling this. However today was a little nicer in the sense that it was gloomy and did sprinkle a little but, but that was about the extent. A nice break. Typically it works out that it rains in the morning.... and starts again about an hour before work is over. Go figure. But the weather eventually will improve I'm told and we'll be able to get around the city a little better. Cold rain and cold weather equal sickness which is one thing we are trying to avoid while here.
With that said.... we've spent the last few days more or less in the apartment. We ventured out to the Tesco which is similiar to the Wal-mart. However it's in a mall type setting. Somewhat similar to Forest Fair Mall (for all you Cincinnatians) minus the ferris wheel. There seemed to be a lot of interesting stores but we opted to just grocery shop the first time and then go back on a rainy day (which I'm sure we'll have more of) and explore the rest. But the Tesco... the bottom floor is food and then you go upstairs. How do you get upstairs when grocery carts are involved? Just imagine a moving ramp... like an escalator minus the steps. It was pretty entertaining. Upstairs is clothes, toiletries, and just about everything else in the world. It's a nice shopping option. However one tip for shopping abroad. Even if you are going to a country with a tremendously difficult and different language... say the Czech Republic at least think about writing out major grocery items in that language so you don't have to rely on guessing. Just some advice. Luckily for us we made mostly good guesses. However we were looking at this beef and thinking it looked really fatty. Come to find out some of their "ground beef" has pork mixed in too. So if it looks a fatty... it may just be pork... no worries..
Tonight we went to One World which was hosted by some students at the university that attend the International Church. Not only was it quite informational, it was super entertaining. Between the dancing, singing, and food we had a grand old time. Not only did we hear some awesome songs... we got the privilege to see a Hungarian guy whose passion was folkloric dance.. of the Hungarian variety. He did two dances. They looked a little unintentional at first, but I learned quickly it is an art. And then he got the props involved. Overwhelmingly impressed. It was also hilarious when the speaker was talking about differences between countries and went on and on about different things that varied. Then he went on about what was the same... one was how everyone hates America. It was meant as a joke... and we all chuckled a bit too. Well afterwards we were talking to him and he then realized that our whole row was American. And he felt so horrible. That too was entertaining. But really it was a great night and a good time to hang out with new people from all over (but that we actually could speak with!)
Friday is Indiana Jones Night. We're going to go see it. We've thought about the last two days, but opted to make it a Friday night thing. Then Saturday we are going with some friends to Cesky Krumlov. Not 100% sure what is there but we're excited to find out. We're also going to hopefully be seeing some other places... possibly even some of the areas the Chronicles of Narnia were filmed.
Things in the office are getting a little more routine as well. As we get adjusted to being here, they too are getting adjusted to just being here which makes the workflow and teamwork come along a little nicer. Although we haven't gotten too deep into any projects while waiting for equipment (more so Bryan than me) we've gotten used to the idea which is the first step. We have got some work done, but it's all in phases especially when dealing with media in which the final project was created by many people.
And one more thing... one local place sells Dr. Pepper. It's by our friend's apartment. They're bringing me a 2-liter tomorrow...and I couldn't be happier.
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